Find your wings.......
Magpie Coaching

10% Time

The focus in the coaching industry on executive coaching for business, and the high prices charged for these services, puts coaching out of the reach of many individuals.

Often the need for coaching coincides with times of financial constraint, such as some of the major life transitions; I am committed to offering 10% of my time free to individuals or organisations who could not otherwise afford these services.
For example:

People returning to work, e.g. after raising a family

School leavers or recent graduates seeking a starting point on the career ladder

Low waged


Charity organisations

I am also happy to work with local organisations that are looking for volunteer coaches.


I usually have space for two coaching clients, who are from charitable organisations or on low incomes.

If you are interested, please contact me, letting me know your circumstances and what you are looking for from coaching.

What kind of coaching do you offer?

What does it involve?

How long does it take?

What are the options?

What does it cost?

Why should I work with you?

What next?

“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.”

Winston Churchill

Get in Touch

I’m a qualified coach with experience in a variety of industries (More about me). If you want to know more about coaching and the practicalities, or what it costs have a look at about coaching. If you’re ready to start coaching, or want any more information, please contact me.