Find your wings.......
Magpie Coaching


My MA research explored why some coaches choose to combine a physical activity with their coaching rather than working in a more conventional manner and in particular how this enables them to work with access multiple intelligence's in addition to the usual conscious cognitive reflection.

Matthews, T. (2013). More than a brain on legs: an exploration of working with the body in coaching. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring, Special Issue No 7, pp. 26 - 38 (Available here)

Matthews, T. (2012). More than a brain on legs: an exploration of working with the body in coaching. Unpublished master’s thesis, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, UK. (Download my MA thesis)

I presented this research at the 9th Annual Coaching and Mentoring Research Conference (held at Oxford Brookes University Business School on Thursday 17 January 2013). A copy of the presentation is available  here.

I’m currently working on some joint research into the importance and use  of environment in  face to face and remote coaching



Coaching bodies

Coach training